Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why posts in ''Introductions'' section doesn't count as a post

I don't know about the others but I think it is good to keep post number as low as possible. Instead of posts, member should focus to increase their 'likes' and 'best answer'. It will make them write very useful posts and not randomly come to any threads and write random thoughts.

DP has lots of members. One or few of them may offer job and good position in a company. The first thing they want to check is how great that person in term of skills and attitude. So, what do you think they will check? Off course our profile.

It is best to keep message count as low as possible and write only if it necessary or bring value to others. That way, people would think positive about us and DP will be better forum for anyone.

Last, I'm glad 'Introduction' didn't count our chat. It is used to welcome the other and what do you think the value of welcoming newly registered member for all existing member in this forum?:D

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