Wednesday, July 10, 2013

UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW: Centre for Sensors and Imaging Systems (CENSIS) Chief Executive Officer

Job Purpose

The Chief Executive reports directly to the Chairman of the CENSIS Board.
The role holder will be responsible for setting strategy and implementing that strategy across all the functions of CENSIS (Post graduate training, Collaborative research, strategic research planning and delivery, marketing fore-sighting, and leadership for the community) to deliver the goals defined in the original business case.
The role holder will be pivotal to the success of the Centre via delivering significant economic benefit to the Scottish economy by enhancing the levels of innovation and academic to business collaborations across this strategically important sector for the Scottish Economy. You will be expected to engage with senior managers from public and private sector originations and business in Scotland, and further afield to influence policy, culture and practice to create a step change in innovation across the academic and industrial sectors.
This will require a mix of strategic leadership and operational skills to balance the long term and short term objectives of the centre. The CEO will have delegated responsibility for the management of the SFC grant of £10M, generating further external income to generate a 5 year turn-over of ~£23M, and a headcount of 27 employees within the centre plus 26 FTE academic researchers deployed on projects across the Scottish HEIs. As CEO you must:
• Establish and promote the vision, values and goals of the organisation through appropriate and visible leadership behaviours and actions.
• Be accountable officer for the day to day running of CENSIS on behalf of the Governing Board.
• Establish processes and systems suitable for the identification, approval and management of up to 200 projects.
• Manage the core £10M SFC budget and secure additional revenues of up to £13M over 5 years to ensure the operational sustainability of the centre.
• Lead and promote the centre within and outside Scotland, helping to create and step change in the innovation landscape in Scotland.
This job description is designed to identify key responsibilities of the post. It is not an exhaustive list of duties and will be subject to amendment as necessary in consultation with the post holder.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

1. Provide leadership and direction for CENSIS in developing a collaborative community focused on delivering economic benefit to Scotland via collaborative projects between businesses throughout Scotland and the HEI sector.
2. Formulate a strategic and operational plan to be approved by the governing board that delivers a portfolio of industry led projects and activities leading to significant economic benefit for Scotland. Additionally the plans must aim to enhance the international reputation and sustainability of CENSIS.
3. Raise and manage finance for core deliverables of CENSIS from a variety of sources including Scottish Enterprise, Technology Strategy Board and EU.
4. To manage a team of up to 27 staff within CENSIS and up to 26 seconded staff in HEIs across Scotland. Responsible for developing and mentoring CENSIS staff to ensure that the team has all of the necessary competencies to deliver the necessary service.
5. To be the accountable manager for the legal and financial aspects of CENSIS and ensure compliance with Glasgow University's policies, external funder policies and European State Aid rules.
6. To manage the budget of up to £23M comprising SFC contributions and project contributions from industry and alternative funding sources. This includes the management of the £10M core budget from SFC and the generation of an additional £13M to meet the operating requirements for the centre.
7. To establish and lead strategic networks that will be of benefit to CENSIS locally and internationally, including the establishment of a Post Graduate Training (PGT) programme in partnership with the HEI sector.
8. To ensure effective implementation of CENSIS activities and delivery against all agreed targets defined by the governing board, partners and external funders. These targets will include significant quantitative and financial targets relating to economic development as well as qualitative targets relating to impact and the Centre reputation.
9. Market and position the CENSIS and Scottish Innovation Centre brand nationally and internationally to HEI, Public Sector and Private Sector organisations., including Government agencies and the business / investment community.
10. To continually engage with national, European and international organisations interested in sensor and imaging systems to promote the activities of CENSIS with the goal of establishing the centre as a leader in Sensors & Imaging Systems globally.
11. To work with relevant Board and CEO level representatives in public and private organisations to contribute and influence industrial innovation strategies within stakeholder organisations and at a national level.
12 To contribute to the enhancement of the University's international profile in line with the University's Strategic Plan, Glasgow 2020 – A Global Vision

Knowledge, Qualifications, Skills and Experience

A1 Professionally qualified with an Honours Degree in a Physical Science or Engineering related discipline
A2 Extensive understanding of the commercial and operational challenges facing companies at each stage of development; in small, medium and large enterprises in a relevant field
A3 Understanding of HEI sector and the complex mix of pressures, constraints, motivations and risk/reward positions of academic and industry research staff, organisations and the institutions
A4 Knowledge and understanding of the Economic Development priorities in Scotland and the UK and a deep knowledge of the various roles that various parts of the sector play in these
A5 Knowledge and experience of defining, building, and managing multi-functional teams addressing complex technical challenges
A6 Understand the responsibilities and expectations of a Company Director
A7 Working knowledge of university funding agreements, industrial corporate structures and organisations, Public Sector funding agreements

B1 A business qualification, e.g. MBA
B2 Knowledge and understanding of intellectual property including the patent process

C1 Demonstrable leadership, communication, managerial and interpersonal skills demonstrating an ability to influence at a senior level in both the public and private sector
C2 Strategic thinker, able to plan for the long term strategic priorities while managing short term operational pressures
C3 High level of oral and written communication including presentation and influencing skills
C4 Excellent financial management and budget management skills
C5 Ability to plan and manage organisational activities and to interact effectively with people at all levels within the university, companies, public, and government sectors
C6 Negotiation skills in relation to commercial and legal terms as well as securing support from public sector organisations
C7 Entrepreneurial attitude with necessary persistence and drive to bring projects to a conclusion
C8 Proven ability to simultaneously manage and prioritise a portfolio of complex collaborative projects
E1 A minimum of 10 years operating at a senior managerial level in an industrial research or development environment including acting in a high-profile ambassadorial capacity
E2 A proven industry track record which brings credibility to the centre in both academic and commercial communities from the outset
E3 Experience of working with and advising board level management
E4 Experience of managing and controlling budgets, resources, funding, and and understanding of financial management procedures in both small and large organisations
E5 Experience of developing innovative solutions and contributing to strategic planning
E6 Experience in the commercialisation of technology and the ability to respond and adapt to rapidly changing market circumstances

F1 Experience of working in a high technology company
F2 Experience of taking concept ideas through from initial idea into product release including the challenges of mass production
F3 Understanding of HEI research funding and the impact agenda
F4 Experience in a business development/marketing role
F5 Experience of working with public sector economic development agencies to deliver economic benefit

Job Features

• Responsible for the management of up to27 CENSIS staff and 26 seconded staff in HEIs.
• Engage industry with all the research active HEIs in Scotland (13) to develop collaborative projects (up to 200 projects). Activity includes mentoring on the business development role, ' hands-on ' support with the development/delivery of projects and prioritising workload to deliver operational and strategic CENSIS outcomes.
• Responsible for management of a 5 year turnover of approximately £23M and attracting funding to offset project costs from private and public sources. Responsible for leading /overseeing negotiations with Public and Private Sector funders of collaborative projects activities.
• New income target of £13M over 5 years
• Engagement and coordination of industrial collaboration and training across 13 universities at a senior (VP, Dean) level and at CEO level in business.
• Responsible for identification of new work, workload between staff, allocation of resource and the determination of Team priorities.
• To make signification contribution to economic development in Scotland through the activities of CENSIS including significant contribution to GVA and new high skills jobs in the relevant business sectors.
• To develop CENSIS to a position of financial and operational sustainability within a 5 year period.
Planning and Organising
1. Develop an overall strategic plan for CENSIS, which will be realised through an annual operating plan(AOP).
2. Membership of the Governing board and responsible for providing information and reports to the board to enable their effective overall governance of the Centre.
3. Lead the executive team of CENSIS in delivering the objectives defined by the Governing board and ensuring CENSIS implements these objectives effectively and on schedule.
4. To establish appropriate systems of project and financial management suitable for the projects undertaken and which are acceptable to partners and funders.
5. To monitor, plan and oversee workload of around 27 direct and 26 seconded staff on multiple projects.
6. Oversee the negotiation of commercial and legal terms using both in-house and external advisers.

Internal/External Relationships
1. To provide written and verbal reports to the Governing Board, stakeholders, and partners as required relating to activities undertaken by the Centre.
2. To prepare and present proposals to relevant groups to seek additional funding or contributions into the centre.
3. To work with senior management in partner or stakeholder organisations to facilitate a flexible and coherent approach to the effective delivery of the Centre's overall objectives.
1. Host and promote external events across Scotland to attract and engage organisations throughout Scotland to develop and encourage collaborative projects.
2. Build and develop relationships with companies, funding organisations, and HEIs to develop the capabilities in the centre.
3. Provide written and verbal reports to external bodies (funders and others) to promote the activities of the Centre.
4. Prepare written proposals for funding, investment or support by both public and private sector organisations
5. Present CENSIS achievements to a wider public audience both nationally and internationally.

Problem Solving
1. Identify means of effectively engaging with industry and business taking into account their regional objectives and priorities
2. Identify means of effectively marketing new opportunities to potential funders.
3. Determine the commercial/legal terms with external organisations that are acceptable to all parties in terms of risk and reward and negotiating the terms that are acceptable to CENSIS and its host Organisation.
4. Resolving resource and project issues related to the activities in CENSIS teams. In particular, managing priorities and expectations between CENSIS, HEIs, and industry.
5. Dealing with a range of complex issues in relation to collaborative projects arising from differing work practices and approaches between partners.

Founded in 1451, the University of Glasgow is the fourth oldest university in the English-speaking world. Today we are a broad-based, research intensive institution with a global reach.

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